Printer Cabinet

Seems like I never have enough printers. An old Deskjet 855 is hanging around until I use up the last ink cartridge. Then I’ll recycle it. Hard to get carts for it these days. And an HP 7550 is my photo printer. Great colors on photo paper. And recently an Epson R200 as a solution to write labels on CDs and DVDs. See this article: Print labels on your DVDs and CDs… [Content no longer available.]

I needed a printer cabinet. So I slapped one together from stuff I had around the house. 1/2″ OSB and 1/4″ oak plywood. I may get around to painting it, but for now it’s a natural. Click on the picture for a larger view.

Printer Cabinet
Printer Cabinet

Construction is routed dados for shelves with glue and staples.